Break Away
So you cross the line you never thought was coming...a personal deal-breaker was permitted, and now you have reality to deal with. Depending on how long you've carried the opinion you have, it'll be varying stages of embarrassment or annoying confusion that you're reconciling yourself to. But honest assessment from an open mind will put you back on proper track. Everyone is different, obviously, with non-identical tolerances, reactions, and commitment to themselves, making a broad spectrum to gauge from. Not knowing a person specifically can be a reason for the alternate outcome you find. All it takes is one person causing a success to show you where you judged in error. Feel bad that you expected all people to behave or believe the same, but don't freak out too much that you gave yourself less of a fair chance and weren't open to remembering those facts. Life has made varied levels of strength of self, so expect finding some people to ride with these behaviors or a