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Desire Ride

Emotional roller coasters can be a ride well worth the experience. But ride smartly. I mean eyes wide open, mind aware and anticipating the hazards related, and stomach clear and braced, ensuring all riders come out mess-free and thrilled.  Chasing such encounters can make a sport all on it's own. Thrill-seeking behavior.  Setting yourself up for rejection qualifies potentially, and therefore brings about a sense of euphoria when our need is fulfilled. The only consequence for any request goes to negative or positive, yes or no. Be prepared to get what you want. Depending on your fantasy, it's a complete second ride that you should expect to take, bringing your stomach to a chill, hopefully. Show your partner gratitude while counting down the time to that new height. Understand, however that you may need additional effort (negotiating or BEGGING) worked up, and be ready to go that extra distance. Don't push your partner past their threshold, but don't be quick to neglec...

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